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Clooney u kafiću ostavio 1.000 dolara za beskućnike


Poznati glumac George Clooney stigao je u Edinburgh, gdje je posjetio “Social Bite’ u kojem gosti i klijenti ostavljaju novac za hranu i kafu beskućnicima.

George je u kafiću proveo 15-ak minuta, fotografirao se obožavateljima, a vlasniku kafića je dao 1.000 dolara za jela i kafe za beskućnike.

“Uposlenici kafića bili su uzbuđeni zbog njegovog dolaska. On je jedan od najpoznatijih ljudi na svijetu i radujemo se što ćemo mu predstaviti koncept našeg humanitarnog djelovanja”, rekao je vlasnik kafića.

Big-hearted George Clooney buys lunch for homeless people on a trip to Scotland. The Hollywood superstar visited sandwich shop Social Bite in Edinburgh, where he pre-paid for food for local homeless people and spent time chatting with staff who have previously struggled with homelessness. Social Bites is social enterprise sandwich shop that trains, employs and feeds local homeless people. It gives 100 percent of its profits to charity and recruits a quarter of its staff from homeless backgrounds, as well as running a 'suspended' service where customers can pre-pay food for homeless people to claim later. Josh Littlejohn, who co-founded Social Bite, said: "George is an incredible guy, someone who has achieved real global fame but thinks nothing of visiting a local sandwich shop to chat to the workers and discuss the issue of homelessness." Kitchen worker Sonny Murray, who met 54-year-old Clooney, said: "Only two years ago I was living on the streets of Edinburgh with a heroin addiction and unable to even afford to eat. "Today I'm in full-time employment, have an amazing family and I just made lunch for one of the biggest stars on the planet." *MUST CREDIT Social Bite/Splash* Pictured: George Clooney with Josh Littlejohn and Alice Thompson, founders of Social Bite, outside the café on Rose Street, Edinburgh. Ref: SPL1174583 121115 Picture by: Splash News/Social Bite Splash News and Pictures Los Angeles:310-821-2666 New York: 212-619-2666 London: 870-934-2666 photodesk@splashnews.com


Glumac će govoriti pred oko 2.000 zvanica na festivalu poduzetništva, Scottish Business Awards, koji djeluje uz potporu škotske Royal Bank. Cilj je prepoznati izvrsnost u škotskom poslovnom svijetu i nagraditi one koji uspješno rade na pozitivnoj dinamici poslovanja u Škotskoj.

Sav prihod od ovog poslovnog događaja namijenjen je nizu humanitarnih udruga, među kojima su humanitarne zaklade Social Bite i Not On Our Watch. Drugu su, zajedno s Clooneyjem osnovali njegovi kolege Brad Pitt (51), Matt Damon (45) i drugi.