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Mnogi je kritikuju zbog slika na Instagramu: “Izgleda muževno” (FOTO)

Chyanne Weatherby

Fitnes influencerica Chyanne Weatherby iz Australije smatra da mišići nisu samo za muškarce. Zbog toga često objavljuje fotografije svojih mišića. Odlučila je odgovoriti svima koji joj komentiraju da izgleda muževno. Objavila je fotografiju na kojoj nosi haljinu i donje rublje. Uz prvu je napisala “Nije muževno”, a uz drugu “I dalje nije muževno”.

“Kad sam odjevena u haljinu, niko ne bi pomislio da dižem tegove”, napisala je. “Ljudi tako brzo osuđuju ženu temeljem poziranja s napetim mišićima… Ali garantujem da je to ista vrsta ljudi koja bi buljila u tu istu ženu kad prolazi ulicom.”

Ovo nije prvi put da je Weatherby objavila takvu sliku. U februaru je napravila slično.

“Dosta mi je ljudi koji misle da mogu komentirati moje tijelo govoreći da izgleda muževno”, napisala je tada.

“Dizanje tegova vas neće učiniti muževnima nego oblikovanima. Ljudi ne razumiju koliko je truda uloženo da bi se tako izgledalo. Napinjem mišiće da bi ih pokazala na fotografijama, to ne znači da tako hodam cijeli dan.”

Stručnjaci kažu da osim na izgled, dizanje trgova dobro utječe na metabolizam i spavanje.

Because Sundays are made for unicorn slippers and flexing?? I’d love to say a sleep in but.. mum life ?? • Did you guys see my story?! @shape wrote a story about me!!! If you didn’t see it head over and check it out it’s in their bio, or send me a message and I can send you the link ❤️ • Ok so… let me just say this to EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. Thank you… thank you for helping me make this page into what it is. Thank you for always supporting and pushing me to be better. If it wasn’t for any of you I wouldn’t be where I am, and I sure as hell wouldn’t be who I am today. For those of you who are new let me just tell you a little about this journey we’ve been on. At 10w postpartum I was diagnosed with Postnatal Depression and Postnatal Anxiety. I rarely went a day without a breakdown, and couldn’t even look at myself in the mirror. I started this page as something to hold myself a little more accountable, and my gosh.. did it work! (Scroll down for my first posts etc) because of you all I’ve helped so many people.. but at the same time you’ve all helped me SO MUCH. I haven’t had a breakdown in god knows how long.. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been and I LOVE MY BODY, for what it is, what it’s done and what it will do in the future. So please, if you ever need anything from me, don’t hesitate. I owe my whole world to you guys, I love you all ❤️ • Also, if you’re new here (or old.. I don’t mind) and you have some things that you’d love to see me post about etc, please send me a DM. This page is made for you, so I want you to enjoy it all!❤️ • That’s all from me today, enjoy your weekend, so much love xxx ? • #fitmum #fitmom #fitmomsofig #fitnessmotivation #appreciationpost #postpartumbody #postpartumfitness #postnataldepression #pnd #anxiety

A post shared by Chyanne – AUS FitMum (@aus_fitmum) on

It’s amazing what giving your all in each session can do! I leave the gym drenched in sweat, exhausted but feeling sooooo amazing! I love mixing things up with new exercises or trying things a little different to hit more angles! 5-6 sessions a week, 60 minutes at a time, hitting legs 3 times a week… and honestly I’ve never felt better. I’m excited for every session, it makes me happy, and not just a little happy.. I’m talking deep down in my soul happy! ❤️ • Find what makes you happy, if you don’t enjoy it you won’t stick to it! ? • ➡️ swipe for one of my earlier posts in a similar pose.. all I see are GAINS! ? #fitmum #fitmom #selfiesaturday #gluteactivation #posteriorchain #positivevibes #postpartumbody

A post shared by Chyanne – AUS FitMum (@aus_fitmum) on