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“Ostajemo u Evropi”: Protest protiv Tsiprasa i Syrize u Atini

Rally of protesters supporting a ‘Yes’ to the referendum and demanding Greece to remain in the Eurozone

U Atini se večeras okupilo 12.000 Grka na mitingu sa kojeg su poručili da na referendumu u nedjelju, 5. jula, treba podržati program reformi koji traže povjerioci da bi odobrili dalju pomoć Grčkoj.

Glavni slogan demonstranata bio je “Ostajemo u Evropi”.

Ovaj protest organizovan je na trgu Sintagma u centru Atine, gdje su se jučer okupile pristalice Vlade, koje smatraju da na referndumu treba reći ne mjerama koje predlažu kreditori.

epa04825597 Protesters raise a huge EU flag reading 'Yes' in Greek during a rally demanding Greece to remain in the Eurozone outside the Greek Parliament in Athens, Greece, 30 June 2015. European leaders have made a last-minute offer to Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in a bid to solve his country's bailout crisis, which has reached fever pitch after Tsipras on 26 June unexpectedly called for a referendum on the terms of a bailout deal, putting an abrupt end to the aid negotiations and leading to a cap on Greek emergency bank loans and forcing Athens into capital controls. Greek voters will decide in a referendum whether their government should accept an economic reform package put forth by Greece's creditors.  EPA/SIMELA PANTZARTZI

Premijer Alexis Tsipras je pozvao Grke da glasaju protiv reformi, odnosno da zaokruže “ne” na referendumu.

U ponoć ističe rok do kada Grčka treba da plati 1,6 milijardi dolara duga Međunarodnom monetarnom fondu.

Istovremeno ističe i program po kojem strani kreditori uplaćuju finansijsku pomoć Atini u zamjenu za provođenje reformi.