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Istukla sina jer nije uradio zadaću, pa završila u zatvoru


Jedna Kineskinja osuđena je na šest mjeseci zatvora zbog maltretiranja svog sina jer nije završio zadaću.

Li iz Nanjinga, iz provincije Jiagsu, istukla je devetogodišnjaka i ostavila vidljive tragove po njegovom tijelu.

Pic shosw: Her foster sonís injuries. A tiger mum who whipped her adopted son with a skipping rope because he did not finish his homework has been jailed for six months in eastern China. The woman - named only as Li in newspapers in Nanjing, Jiangsu province - left the nine-year-old boy with shocking scars and lash marks along his arms, back and legs. Judges heard how she was arrested when photographs of the shocking injuries appeared online. Li - described as being in her 50s - admitted thrashing the boy, who was also her blood nephew, with a skipping rope and a back scratcher. She told the court she'd whipped him because "he didnít finish his homework and told lies." She said in her statement: "Iím not a bad mother. I just donít want him to tell lies." The case is one of the first recorded of an adult being charged with assaulting a child, accepted as normal in China for generations. Li's conviction started a call for tougher sentences - with commentators saying she should have been jailed for six years. The boy had been adopted by Li from his parents in a remote Anhui province village so he could get a better education in the city. Court officials have sent him back to his family while his adoptive mother serves her jail sentence. The court ruling said: "No matter how much she cares and loves her son, she must face the consequences of her actions." (ends)

Priznala je da ga je istukla konopcem za preskakanje.

Na sudu je rekla da ga je pretukla jer nije završio domaću zadaću, a pri tome joj je lagao.

– Nisam loša majka. Samo ne želim da laže, rekla je Li.

Dječaka je Li usvojila od njegovih roditelja iz jednog sela u provinciji Anhui kako bi dobio bolje obrazovanje u gradu. Sada je dječak vraćen svojoj porodici, a u presudi stoji da “koliko god majka koja ga je usvojila voli i brine o svom sinu, mora se suočiti s posljedicama svojih postupaka”.