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Žena tvrdi da je zbog ljepote izgubila prijateljice: Bile su ljubomorne


Jane Curnow, 51-godišnji fitness je model i spisateljica koja tvrdi da je zbog svog izgleda u životu imala samo probleme.

“Nakon drugog razvoda shvatila sam koliku mi pažnju muškarci poklanjaju. Stalno su me gledali i komentirali. Žene su bile, i još uvijek jesu, ljubomorne, ali ja u to vrijeme nisam shvaćala da je to zbog moje ljepote i njihovih nesigurnosti”, rekla je ova plavuša za News.com.au.

“Izgubila sam mnogo prijateljica i uvijek sam mislila da sam ja kriva za to. Nisam to sa svojim izgledom povezivala sve do tridesetih godina života kad su me neke prijateljice ostavljale samu u barovima zbog muške pažnje koju sam dobivala”, kaže ona.

S 32 godine dijagnosticirana joj je depresija, a do 40. godine života, sama i bez djece, mislila je da je njezin život završio. No, tek kad se počela oporavljati psihički, shvatila je koliko je njen izgled utjecao na nju.

Honored and humbled to be featured on @fit_over_50_ There is a growing number of us that are approaching midlife in a non traditional way. Who says turning 50 is the beginning to the end of life?? My life is only just beginning!!!! ?????? . . #Repost @fit_over_50_ (@get_repost) ・・・ We often hear people say how their gym time this their therapy and Jane is proof that fitness transformation is not just new muscle, it's a shift in your mind , body, and soul. Jane is 51, and she was very honest to share this: "Bodybuilding literally saved my life. I was clinically depressed, 2 attempts on my life.. and with low self worth clearly. And here I am over 50 on top of the world!! You are never too old to turn your life around. You simply cannot go wrong with health & fitness!!

Objavu dijeli Jane Curnow (@janecurnow)

“Shvatila sam moć svoje pojave, no to mi nije donijelo osjećaj sreće ili ponosa, nego pritiska”, kaže: “Upitala sam se, ako sam toliko zgodna kao što svi kažu, zašto se ne osjećam sretno?”

Počela je raditi na svom izgledu i održavanju figure da bi, kako je mislila, postigla sreću, no ubrzo je shvatila da to nema veze jedno s drugim.

“Ako ne voliš sebe bez dobrog tijela i ljepote, neće biti ništa bolje ni ako promijeniš svoj izgled. Čak suprotno, to samo naglasi koliko mrziš osobu unutar svog tijela”, tvrdi ona.

Are you worried about aging? Do you get anxious with every new wrinkle? Do you get Botox regularly? Or do those very painful laser treatments? Or maybe just the latest expensive anti-wrinkle cream? . I was obsessed, and I do mean obsessed, with my aging skin. I believed that I was dumb, failed at life as I didn't have the man, house, kids and the only thing I had going for me was my socially glorified appearance. Doesn't being slim, blonde and attractive mean all your dreams come true? So I clung to my looks for dear life and was terrified of aging. . Here I am at 51 years young!! I haven't had Botox for 3 years, I wear hardly any makeup and I only use organic rose hip oil for skincare. My lifestyle has seen wrinkles disappear, I have more energy than I did 10 years ago, I never get sick but more importantly I don't even care about my aging skin. I can go a whole day without even checking my reflection in the mirror!! I have discovered my inner beauty and I now realize it was always there!! True beauty comes from the inside!! Yeah I thought that was a load of ? too but trust me when you get to this place you will know too. ❤️???? .

Objavu dijeli Jane Curnow (@janecurnow)

Curnow je postala lifestyle trenerica te pokušava drugim ženama pomoći da prihvate sebe i svoju unutarnju ljepotu.

Brojna istraživanja pokazala su da dobar fizički izgled ima pozitivan utjecaj na uspjeh i sreću, a neki naučnici tvrde da ljepota utječe i na bolju plaću te percepciju radnika na poslu. No, iako je vrlo malo istraživanja koja su pokazala negativne strane dobrog izgleda, psihologinja Marny Lishman kaže:

Winter walk outfit. ❄️No sunrise today with cloud cover so very cold! No matter the weather getting out into the fresh air does wonders for our Stone Age bodies. We are so shut off from Mother Nature in our technological, modern lives that it affects our health and emotions. We tend to forget that our bodies are relatively the same as our cave men ancestors who spent most of their time outdoors. Ever wondered why you feel so good after a walk in the park, beach, bush? Sitting under a tree, feeling the suns rays will do wonders for your wellbeing. Make an outdoor walk part of your health regime and you can't go wrong. A morning walk will ensure you start your day off on the right foot ??☀️??❄️???‍♀️?? . #fitnessmodel #morningwalk #morningenergy #walkforlife #walkforhealth #freshairtherapy #freshair #lifestylecoach #healthcoach #mindsetcoach #bodylovecoach #healthylifestyle #healthregime #healthiswealth #walk #walkinthepark #outdoortherapy #getupearly #startthedaywell

Objavu dijeli Jane Curnow (@janecurnow)

“Ljudi su vizuelna bića i dovoljno je nekoliko sekundi da nekog procijenimo. Kad se ljudima neko odmah ne svidi na temelju izgleda, to može biti povezano s nizom faktora, među kojima može biti i taj da se osjećaju ugroženo pored te osobe.”

Ona kaže da ljudi i ženama i muškarcima sude na temelju izgleda, no da to češće može biti negativno kod žena nego kod muškaraca.

Ten things I do every day to stay motivated, positive, energetic and mentally well. ??❤ . 1️⃣I put myself first. My health is my highest value in life. The more I take care of me the more of me there is to give. 2️⃣I incorporate my passion into my life as a priority 5 days a week. It's weightlifting in case you hadn't guessed ? 3️⃣I don't engage in any mainstream media. No TV, radio and my social media is self designed around motivation and inspiration only. 4️⃣I nourish my mind with one of my motivational and inspirational gurus or educate myself on something new. 5️⃣I allocate soul food time with my loved ones. ? 6️⃣I eat only organic clean whole food. No sugar, caffeine or alcohol. 7️⃣I drink loads of filtered water. 8️⃣I am obsessed with the weather and I not only check my weather websites but I look up to the sky and appreciate Mother Natures glory; the moon, stars, sun, clouds, rain. ?✨?☁️? 9️⃣I practice mindfulness and gratitude every single day. ?I sleep a minimum of 8 hours every night. . My daily habits are consistent. Results are achieved by consistency and habits. When the habit is developed it carries you through when motivation wanes. Although my low motivation days for training are very rare. ?cooking on the other hand.. This lifestyle has cured me from life long depression so naturally I am rather attached to it!! I have never been happier and my life and body seriously feel amazing ????????? . #fitnessmodel #bodybuilding #weightlifting #weighttraining #lifting #ilovelifting #ilovemylife #gymrat #gymaddict #discipline #motivation #depression #depressionrecovery #inspiration #fitspo #fiftyandfabulous #50andfabulous #fitat50 #fitover50 #oxygenmagazineau #oxygenmagazine #womensfitnessmag #gorgogirl

Objavu dijeli Jane Curnow (@janecurnow)

“Lijepa žena može biti diskriminirana ili podcijenjena na poslu, a može se susresti i s ljubomorom od strane prijateljica”, kaže ona i savjetuje da takve predrasude treba ignorirati te se okružiti ljudima pored kojih se osjećate dobro.

#tbt December 2012. 46 years young. First 12 weeks of bodybuilding done and my new addiction is born. Still partying and drinking but restricted to one night a week instead of three ?Battling aggressive inner demons with academy award winning acting to mask. This summer was a very difficult growth period. Comp prepping, terrified, broken hearted, losing friends, family distancing; the new Jane is beginning to emerge. Character building beyond measure. So grateful to this old me. She was a hell of an actor!!! Resilient, determined, courageous; she gave me my freedom. ❤??❤??❤?? . #fitnessmodel #bodybuilding #newaddiction #photoshoot #innerdemons #depression #depressionrecovery #facade #authentic #beyou #coverup #hidetherealme #selfworth #selflove #loveyourself #loveyourselffirst #throwbackthursday #oldme #bornagain #freedom #resilient #determined #couragous

Objavu dijeli Jane Curnow (@janecurnow)